Orange Marmalade

Orange Crockpot Marmalade


5-6 Oranges

3-4 Cups water

3-4 Cups Sugar

A Crockpot


Cut and quarter oranges, cut fruit away from the white flesh as much as possible, as the white is quite bitter.

Get all that good, sweet sunny sunshine as you can.


 I sliced up a few, not 

all, of the rinds.  It is marmalade after all, and I'm pretty sure 

the rinds are the essence of such a thing.

Next put all the "meat" in the crockpot, evenly spread out.

Add the water and let cook, on high for two hours.

After that, stir and pour in the sugar, one cup atta time.  Stir and cover for 2 more hours.  After that, turn the crockpot to low, and allow to sit for 6 hours.  Stirring every two hours.  

Remove lid, turn off and let it all naturally cool

Then bottle and enjoy!

I'm definitley going to do this for christmas gifts, it would be so darling with a bow!


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