Grapefruit Tartlets

One way to make Grapefruit Tartlets:


Pre-made pie crust
4 tablespoons cornstarch
Pinch of salt
1 cup sugar
1 sprig of rosemary (I skipped the rosemary, I wasnt diggin it)
1 1/2 cups grapefruit juice
2 tablespoons lime juice
4 egg yolks
4 tablespoons butter
Red food coloring (I didnt think this was necessary)
Rosemary as garnish
Sugared grapefruit zest as garnish (I used  dried oranges for the pic)


Line your tart pans with pie crust. Perforate the bottom and weigh down with baking beans. Bake according to package directions. Remove baking beans and set aside to cool.

Combine cornstarch, salt, sugar and rosemary in a medium saucepan. Whisk in juices and egg yolks. Add a drop of red food coloring. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly until the mixture comes to a boil. Boil, while whisking, for 1 minute. Stir in the butter.

Pour the mixture into your prepared tarts. Chill until set, or garnish with rosemary and grapefruit zest and enjoy warm.

Easy peasey.

I initially got this recipes from Pinterest 

Tastemade, it is a video recipe and super helpful!



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