Christmas Craft; Quaratine Edition

One way to kill some quarantine time with your toddler:

Mistletoe and Holly Pine Cone Ornaments 


Pine cones
Glitter Glue
All in green, of course
Red puff balls
Hot Glue

Make certain to set yourself up with a glitter recovery area! For the amount of glitter I lost to shaking fun is insurmountable and the mess, Lawd!

First I let little Miss have a go at all things paint and glitter.  With all tools in green, she was able to put every and any thing she wanted on her pine cones.  Over the span of two days she covered every ounce  pine cone in green something or other.  So okay, perfect.

Get yourself two pine cones and hot glue them bad boys together, Then get as many holly berries (puffs) as you want and glue them sumbitches on there, et viola!

They are so darling and she really had a ball doing it! Imma attach some gold string and blamo!,Christmas ornaments for our Granparents and Godparents!


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