Sheet Pan Egg Roll-Up

One way to roll up eggys


6 slices bacon
1 1/2 pounds potatoes
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
2 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
Salt and pepper
12 eggs
1/4 cup butter
7 ounces spinach, lightly steamed
1 cup finely grated cheese


Preheat to 400
Fry up that bacon. Save the fat
Oil a baking sheet and on that grate up potatoes, with a cheese grater  (double duuuh)
mix in the onion, s n p, and bacon fat.  smosh it around, pop her in the oven for bout 20 mins

while potatoes are in there, pop in another sheet pan to heat up, this guy is for your eggys

whisk up eggs (I only used 4 because...well.....I only had 4 eggs in the damn house)

take out hot pan, put some butter in there add the add the eggs. use a wooden spatula to move em, around, ensuring they are all over the pan. bake dat for 4 to 5 mins until set

(you can actually watch the eggs cook when you pour them in the already hot pan, SCIENCE!)


take a piece of parchment and turn out your eggs
add some cheesey
add ya bacon

some spinach

roll it up!

looks kinda great

tastes incredible. cut it up and serve!
look at you, professional breakfast maker, nbd


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